巴塞罗那的阿拉梅工作室(Arame Studio)的建筑师们在其最新项目“红房子”(The Red House)中,重新诠释了地中海建筑传统。

The architects of Arame Studio in Barcelona have reimagined Mediterranean architectural traditions in their latest project, The Red House.

这座经过改造的工厂位于巴塞罗那的波布雷诺区(Poblenou district),如今它作为一种现代风格的证明矗立于此,而这种风格曾定义了该地区。

Set in Barcelona’s Poblenou district, this converted factory now stands as a modern testament to a style that once defined the region.

爆炸图 ©Aramé Studio


Once a factory, the apartment’s exterior seamlessly blends with its industrial surroundings, staying true to the area’s character. Yet, as one steps inside, a different narrative unfolds. The central courtyard takes the lead, setting this home apart from its neighbors. While embracing a modern aesthetic with its high ceilings and glass walls, the dwelling retains a sense of simplicity, where natural light bathes each room in a gentle embrace.


Subdued materials and colors guide the gaze effortlessly from one space to another, creating an unobtrusive flow. The design favors openness and adaptability, with the bedrooms serving as the sole private zones. “The courtyard takes center stage, acting as the heart of the home—a verdant oasis that ushers in light, air, and the presence of nature,” explain Andrea and Adrián, the architects behind Aramé Studio. The project elegantly harmonizes past and present, reflecting a thoughtfully understated approach.


Embedded within the tapestry of Mediterranean architecture, interior courtyards have stood as an enduring hallmark. Across the expanse from the Iberian Peninsula to the Persian Gulf, this architectural motif traces its roots as far back as 2000 BC. Ancient echoes resonate; in the venerable settlement of Ur, nestled by the Euphrates River, every dwelling found its heart in a courtyard. A parallel narrative unfolds in ancient Greece, where the courtyard manifested as the nucleus of the domicile. It served as a sanctum of centrality, infusing light into the encircling rooms.


The Red House pays a respectful nod to the abodes of bygone eras. It stands as a contemporary reimagining of the Mediterranean architectural essence that once graced the landscape.

立面图 ©Aramé Studio
平面图 ©Aramé Studio
项目名称 | 红房子
Project Name | Red House
建筑设计 | Aramé Studio
Architectural Design | Aramé Studio
项目地点 | Barcelona,Spain
Project Location | Barcelona, Spain
主建筑师 | Andrea Arriola, Adrián Mellado
Lead Architect | Andrea Arriola, Adrián Mellado
项目面积 | 2368 ft²
Project Area | 2,368 ft²
项目摄影 | Del Rio Bani
Photography | Del Rio Bani

Aramé Studio是一家年轻的多学科建筑工作室,由两位合伙人Andrea Arriola Fiol(毕业于EPFL/ETSAB)和Adrian Mellado Munoz(毕业于ETSAB)于2019年在巴塞罗那创立,两人均于2015年毕业。


夏禹 | 香港K11 MUSEA个展“光芒涌入”
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Mesura Studio | Aesop Diagonal
EME157 | Ampliacion vivienda Jose Bastos