


2023年, ACS所属船队共被PSC滞留船舶达到了664艘,其中东京备忘录451艘,巴黎备忘录118艘,美国USCG17艘,印度洋备忘录14艘,其他区域64艘,在被滞留的船旗国当中,巴拿马被各备忘录滞留了的船最多,达263艘船,第二名是利比里亚的106艘。

2023年,中国、澳大利亚、俄罗斯是滞留船舶最多的国家。中国滞留的船舶艘次与2022年相比大约增加了4倍(The number of detentions by the Port State in China more than quadrupledin this period)。


2023年,PSC供开具滞留缺陷2499项(2022年是1859项),滞留缺陷的前五名分别是:Fire Safety、Life Saving Appliances、 ISM、 Emergency Systems、 Water/weathertight Conditions。



1. 甲板上私自安装油桶用于储存甲板上的废油或漏油(Used oil drum keep on deck and leaking),此类缺陷常见于管理不够规范的公司。


2.救生艇登乘平台存在漏洞(Holes on lifeboat embarkation station platform)。

3.空气管结构故障(Defective air pipe head fittings)。


4. 风机锈蚀严重,开关把手断裂(Corrosion of Ventilator)。


5.舱盖锈蚀严重(Corrosion of cargo hold hatch cover)

6.测深管锈蚀严重(Corrosion of sounding pipe)

7. 大副没有从外面锁上逃生舱的门(Chief Officer unlocked the escape door from outside),从外观看应该是ISPS要求的逃生舱。

8. 由于频道选择错误,MF/HF SSB无法呼叫广州电台(MF/HF SSB can not successfully call Guangzhou coast station due to selected frequency incorrect)

10.甲板上存储了大量垃圾,没有按照垃圾管理计划进行处理(Inappropriate management/storage of garbage)

11.主机漏油,机舱内油污过多(Leakage and accumulation of main engine oil)

12.登乘梯储存位置与安装位置距离过远(Unreasonable embarkation ladder stored position,too far with deck ring)

13.bridge甲板上的一个公共卫生间在防火控制图上没有标注(Public toilet in stair way on bridge deck with not consistent with ship’s plan and fire control plan)

14.火灾控制面板故障(Fire Alarm Panel faulty)

15.私自安装了电缆及设备(Modification of electrical equipment and penetration without approval)

16.管线漏泄(Leakage of fire line)


17.EEBD压力低(EEBD under pressure)

18.应急消防泵故障(Emergency fire pump malfunction)

19. 烟雾探测系统故障(Smoke detection System fault)

20.水喷淋系统故障(Drencher System Failure)



1. PSC经常开具的散货船缺陷列表

11104 The hydraulic oil tank of rescue boat’s launching – broken (D:1.0 CM) leaking seriously.

10112 The reserve power supply for ECDIS – out of order.

04113 Water ingress repeater (Master) and alarm system in bridge – out of order.

04103 At least 10 pieces Em’cy light unlit.

07117 High pressure fuel oil pipe leaking alarm of No.2 G/E defective.

11101 L/B Engine working condition defective. Propeller slow moving -Full ahead revolving speed about 20 RPM

04114 Emergency generator can not auto start in simulation and black out test confirmed by C/E during inspection

14402 High level alarm of sewage treatment plant malfunction and lack of the manufacture and expried date of dosage treatment for this equipment

15109 Deficiencies marked with ISM related reveal shipboard safety managment system was not effectively implemented as per ISM element 10

04102 Emergency fire pump and its pipe – Ship emergency fire pump was unable to pressurise the fire main during operational test.

07109 The CO2 pipe for No. 3 hold – broken at the No. 3 cargo hold STBD side.

07109 The fix watermist at purifiers room found inoperational during PSC inspection.

15150 SMS as implemented on board does not ensure the safe working operation of the crew

07109 B-deck entrance door feel off, the self-closing device broken

07106 The water-base system for D.O purifier out of work

07199 The turbo charge which is the very high temperature surface not insulated

07109 Water sprinkler in oil spearator cabin demonstrated failure during inspection

11113 Limit switch of rescue boat release equipment malfunction during test

15109 SMS impleneted on board failure to ensure maintenance of ship PMS

07126 Excessive oil accumulation in engine room on tank tops, save-alls and below auxiliary engines

15109 Deficiencies are objective evidence that SMS does not ensure effective maintenance of ship and its equipment

07199 The fixed CO2 fire extinguishing system pipe line for cargo hold seriously corroded and holed

11101 Engine of free fall lifeboat can not be started by battery No.1

04109 Fire drill did not comply wih the requirement of SOLAS

10199 Russian coastal warnings for far east coast of Russia not received

11101 Free fall lifeboat engine out of order

07110 Fire main isolating valve inoperative

15150 SMS implemented on board has failed to ensure safe operations and vessel maintenance as evidecne

11126 The Rescue boat davit can not be operated by power during inspection

07114 No.1 and No.2 E/R ventilation fan can not be tripped during test

11101 No means provided to keep the lifeboat door at open position. And some bolts and nuts for securing lifeboat windows missing

10109 Ship stern light showing an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon more than 135 degrees

15106 Evidecne indicates serious Non-conformance during navigation and towards ISM Code 7

15109 SMS onboard fails to effectively implement the element 10 of the ISM code

14402 Sewage treatment plant not in service condition. No sewage water inside the plant, No chemical in filling pipe

15150 SMS does not ensure the safe navigation practices are being followed

07199 Means of ascertaining the amount of oil fuel contained in D.O tank(sounding pipe terminated in E/R) – malfunction

11101 Limit switch of L/B davie on bothe side – seized

17126 Engine room had large amounts of oil soaked debris and flammable liquieds accumulated in the bilge and through out the E/R

10127 Maritime safety information for south part of Russian Federation far-east region in which ship engagned the voyages not presented

10112 ECDIS not up-dated by maritime safety information for Russian far-east region in which ship engaged the voyage- Vladivostock coastal warnnings(bombing exercises area)

10112 Ecdis-Lot of ENC for engaged and intended voyages found either not updated nor permission expired

07105 Fire protection A-class self-closing door leading to engine room found out of order

15150 Above shown deficiencies are objective evidence of a failure or lack of effectiveness of the implementationof the ISM Code

11129 Freefall lifeboat release system defective

10127 ENCs for voyage chart permit expired and not updated

07115 No.1 E/R ventilator fire damp[er unable to close by remote and local control

15109 SMS implenentation failed to ensure that the ship is maintained in conformity with the procision of the relevant rules and regualtions

07126 Small check valve of F.O overflow tank sounding pipe not fitted

04114 Emergnecy generator unable to connec to emergency switchboard

07105 Accomodation upper deck interior stariway fire protection self-closing A-class door out of order

10199 Russian coastal warnings (maritime safety information) for Far East coast of Russia not received (Gunnery, bombing exercises area). ECDIS not updated by MSI.

07116 Ventilation duct to mess room not able to be closed effectively.

11101 The size of starbord side lifeboat floating ball too small to prevent entry of water when the lifeboat is waterborne

11134 Crew unable to demonstrate operations with lifeboat on-load release system.

15108 At 0235LT on 12 JAN 2023, fire broke out in the Engine Room of the ship on the voyage form Australia to Zhanjiang, China. and the ship departure from Zhanjiang to Guangzhou without taking any measures to ensure the ship’s seaworthiness, and failed to report to the accident to the Port State Administration before arriving.

07106 Fire detection and alarm system in-operational.

14608 Ship incinerator in-operational.

07101 Fire insulation material in Engine Room broken.

15109 With the pilot report on stbd pilot ladder parted side rope during pilot disembarkation on 2nd April and as evidenced with the ISM related deficiencies indicate that the shipboard safety management system was not effectively implemented onboard as per ISM element 10.

07113 Fire lines on main deck portside near No.3, No.6 cargo hold found leaking.

10127 Voyage plan not made from Berth 18# to Berth 17# in Bayuquan Port.

15199 Enter Enclose space and rescue drill on 2023.4.5 and 2022.12.5, and fire-fighting drill on 2022.10.03 and 2022.09.06, the drill record using the same photo. The above evidence shows that the ship drills were not really carried out.

14608 The internal fire separation wall of incinerator landslided.

07109 There is no water mist ejected while testing the fixed local application water mist system for the incinerator during inspection.

15109 VSL SMS fails to ensure effective maintenance of ship and work platforms as evident by deficiencies 1-9.

04114 Emergency generator is not able to connect to emergency switchboard.

07109 Local water mist system for incinerator failed to supply water spray when push the manual release button.

14402 Chemical dosage pump of sewage treatment plant out of order since August 2023.

15106 SMS procedures for cargo operations and cargo handling do not ensure that cargo operations are safe as evidenced by the defects observed during this inspection.

15150 Above shown deficiencies are objective evidence of a failure, or lack of effectiveness of the implementation of the ISM.

07106 Maximum distance of some smoke detectors fitted on accommodation corridor away from bulkhead more than 5.5m(7m).

07123 4 sprinklers of water spraying system for paint room blocked.

07116 No.1/3 Cargo Hold ventilation cover corroded seriously and cannot closed, the manhole below corroded serious and disconnected and lots of securing screws missing.

2. PSC经常开具的货船缺陷列表

14104 Oil filtering 915 ppm) equipment out of order

15199 There is a failure in ensuring vessel implemented effectively as required by ISM code

07116 Port and stbe ventilation damp[er for No.1 cargo hold corroded and seized

07109 CO2 pipeline to NO.2 cargo hold corroded and cracked

07109 Water spraying system for the plant locker out of order. No sprinkler was installed and the water pressure not sufficient

07113 Fire main found water leaking seriously

10110 The switch for daylight signaling lamp malfunction

07115 The damper of engine room funnel ventilation cannot be clsoed

10127 Existing numbers of maritime safety information for Russian south part far-east region in which ship engaged the voaygers not presented

10111 B.A nautical charts for engagned and intended voyagers not updated by weekly BA NTM and MSI

10111 B.A nautical charts for engagned and intended voyagers found out of edition and no update by weekly B.A NTM

10116 B.A nautical publications for engaged and intended voyages not up-dated

07113 Emergency fire pump does not presented in operational condition – not ensure pressure in fire hose

07110 Isolating valves used in the fire main line not presented in operational condition

14801 BW record book details do not correspond to entries in the electronic log BWMS control panel

15150 Deficiencies are objective evidence of a failure, or lack of effectiveness of the implementation of the ISM

10116 Vessel had not port charts for entering Hong Kong, not Notice to Mariner available onboard

07106 Fire alarm system test record was no available

07105 Several fire doors self close devices were beoken/defective

07125 Fire dill conducted unsatisfactory, crew were not mustered properly

15199 SMS implementation of this vessel was failed to ensure safe operation of the ship

14606 The main engine was not complied with Nox technical code by an imitation parts(nozzle tip)

15104 The environmental protection policy of the company was not implemented

14699 The EEXI technical file not available onboard

07116 The fire damper of No.1 E/R ventilator inoperative

07109 The door of CO2 rm unable to be closed tightly

07106 The fire detection and alarm system indicated common fault alarm

15150 SMS implemented on board has failed to ensure safe operations and vessel maintenance

07115 Engine room ventilator flap – unable to close

07113 Isolating valve not installed correctly

07113 Fore main line near isolating valve damaged(has hole)

11104 Although this ship doesn’t have self-righting type rescue boat, the rescue boat does not have the handholds on its underside

11101 Free fall lifeboat engine can not be started

14121 Oil spilled outside the ship throught the STBD side overboard valve manifold and all G/S line contaminated by oil residue

14119 Oil and Oily mixture too much accumulated in E/R FED, AFT bilge wells

11101 Release handle for STBE life boat 0 unable to reset properly due to release handle stuck

15105 Senior officers were not aware of their tasks, duties or responsibilities

3. PSC经常开具的集装箱船缺陷列表

04110 The same photos used ass the evedences for conducting abandon ship drills on 28th Nov, 19th Dec in 2022, which appears drills were not as real as possible

07106 Fire detection and alarm system out of order

07109 The fixed water mist system above the FO purifiers was tested during inspection, unfortunately no water mist was ejected at the time, while the water pump was running automatically

14402 The chemical dosage pump for sewage treatment plant is not able to pump the liquid, however, the vessel overboard valve of sewage treatment plant is fully open and the untreated sewage discharge into Yangzi River during anchoring at Wusong Anchorage

07109 Fixed water-based local application fire-fighting system of No.3 generator wat not set ready for use.

11101 FFB engine not able to start from one source of power (Battery No.1).

10199 Russian coastal warnings (Maritime Safety Information) for Far East coast of Russian not received (Gunnery, bombing exercises area). Charts not updated by MSI.

07113 Delivery pressure of emergency fire pump found insufficient

11101 the closing device of ventilation opening of totally enclosed lifeboat on starboard side seriously rusted, the lifeboay can not keep watertight

14107 the overboard discharging valve of ODME malfunction

14899 The interim IBWM certificate invalid due to issued 1st sep at Guanzhou China by Class BKI which not under China MSA authorized

11101 the free-fall lifeboat engine can not start during PSC inspection

14402 Sewage treatment plnat maintain poor conidtion

14419 Engine room cleanliness condition – too much oil residue accumulated in E/R floor

14503 The ship discharged garbage in territorial water, key person not familiar with the regulation of MARPOL ANNEX V

15109 SMS as implemented on board failed to ensure effective ship and equipment maintenance

07115 Engine room ventilator – flap and operation handle were missing

07115 Engine room fan no 2 trunk wasted/holed below fire damper

07116 Port side ventilator of E/R cannot be closed.

07115 Engine room port and starboard side aft dampers found excessively corroded with holes and crew used putty to cover the holes.

15150 Refer to all deficiencies marked with ISM related including similar deficiencies issued on 29th OCT 2022, these are objective evidence that the vessel safety management system is deemed as ineffective to ISM Code 7, 8 and 10.

11104 Resue boat outboard engine defective.

07109 Alarm before releasing fixed CO2 fire extinguisher medium not working.

04114 Sounding pipe for E/G storage tank broken

15109 SMS implementation failed to ensure that the ship is maintained in comformity with the provision of the relevant ruls and regulations

07103 Electical cable penetration on decks in cable trunk – not sealed

07199 Bulkhead of engine room above boat deck – cable penetration without sealing

11117 Most of lights for life buoys – batteries not in valid

15109 The vessels SMS as implemented fails to ensure the requirements of the ISM code

14404 3-way valve for hospital sewage line kept overboard position and the overboard valve kept open in port

07114 Quick closing valves of fuel oil inlet line for No.1,2,3 G/Es unable to be closed by control air during inspection

04104 Oil filtering equipment out of order

15106 Implementation SMS on board not effective for key shipboatd operations on board concerning environment

protection required by MARPOL

07115 Exhanust funnel dampers port and starboard found seized during operational test at time of inspection

07114 quick closing valve for FO starboard found seized during operational test at thiem of inspection

15109 SMS was not effectively implemented on board as per ISM code element 10

07114 Fire damper fo STBD side ventilation for machinery space is unable to be closed from outside of engine room(fire control station)

07119 Isolation valve for No.3 A/E inlet fuel oil pipe is unable to be closed from the remote control station in E/R

07109 Pressrized water mist not injected from the sprayer above the incinerator when PSCO required to tetst the system automatically

10127 Did not anticipates all knows navigational hazard and not ensure sufficient sea room for the safe passage

10135 Did not strictly monitor passage plan

07116 No.5 cargo hold mech. Vantilator deformed and cracked seriously

07109 Four sections of pilot gas line for CO2 release ontrol cabinets located in a protected space, which likely to be cut by a fire

15109 SMS as implemented onboard failed to rensure the effective maintenance of ship and equipments as evidenced by above deficiencies related

04109 During the fire drill, the two designated fire fighters did not wear the breathing mask properly, not carry any radio communication equipment and not connected with lifeline while entering the firefighting area.


04102 The emergency fire pump can not establish the enough pressure during inspection

07110 All isolation valves fitted in main fire line on deck out of order

11110 Davit-launching type liferaft not stowed in the position of launching davit

14402 Sewage treatment plant malfunction

17114 Quick closing valve in fuel oil outlet pipe failed to close remotely

07105 Two holes found on the A-Class fire door of bonded store.

11101 Lifeboat can be started by only one set of battery.

04102 The emergency fire pump can not establish the enough pressure during inspection

07114 The quick close valve for DO service tank, LO setting tank and LO purified tank found out of order during inspection

04109 The fire drill of engine room during inspection was not satisfatory. The fireman not familiar with wearing the clothing, the emergency fire pump not started, no one shut of ventilation system and no one close fire dampers, the crew not familiar with the ringing of fire alarm

15109 The incinerator is not well maintained, the miss fire alarm defective, the inter-lock device for the charging door defective, and internal fire refractory collapse


15109 The SMS as implemented on board failed to ensure maintenance of the ship and equipment as evidenced by deficiencies No.2-10. Additional audit shall be carried out.

04114 Emergency generator not ready of operated

07106 Fire detector system turn of

07112 Many EEBD on board (also in Engine room) in bad condition

11104 Rescue boat lunching hook no in secured

07126 Oil accumulation sighted in various locations (below main engine forward area and main engine LO pump)

15109 Deficiencies marked ISM related reveal that shipboard safety management system was not effectively implemented onboard as per ISM element 10

07106 Fire detection and alarm system not working for six months

07106 smoke detection and alarm system not working for six months

07109 alarm of releasing fixed CO2 fire extinguisher system not working

15109 above objective deficiencies were the evidence that this ship ans its equipment not well maintenaced according to the Company SMS

10118 Speed log on bridge out of work and not report to PSCO during inspection.

10111 Charts BH2293, BH2347, BH2432, BH3041, BH3046, BH3480 not up to date be temporary notices to mariners.

07105 The self-closing fire door (accommodation deck) not closing effectively by self-closing arrangement.

04102 Emergency fire pump can not pump out sea water.

07106 Smoke detection and alarm system for cargo hold not working during inspection and not in good order for about six months reported by Captain.

14199 Black oil stowed on starboard ship hull plating quarter area, estimated about 50L of oil spill(HSFO) into water due to defective rubber seal of No.2 HFO(S) filling valve.

14699On board the ship found implemented requirements for EPL or SHAPOLI. However, EPL or SHAPOLI does not found to be arranged on main engine.


07110 Malfunction of two isolating valves on fire main, which evidenced by pressurized water pumping out from

hydrants on main deck and accommodation area constantly while the subject valves are closed and the main fire pump is running.

11101 F’cle Deck-Lauching Station (P&S) not located after the collision bulkhead.

14121 Dozens of liters of hydraulic oil leaked into sea of Incheon port from vessel due to damaged hydralic oil coller on 06-01-2023-Debris found in seawater outlet pipe, indicating discharge of hydralic oil

07116 No.1&2 engine room ventilation unable to shut of air

15106 Vessel SMS not implemented properly as evidenced by all deficiencies

10113 AIS out of work during inspection and not report to port authority

15109 Air pipe head of APT damaged and broken

04114 The emergency generator failed to start when simulating ship black-out test

07114 The remote quick clsoing device malfunction

14501 The ship discharged 0.02 cubic meter un-ground food waste into the sea where is about 10.69 nm from baseline

14661 Four sets of air conditioner with R22 as freezign agent were installed but not lised in the supplement to IAPP

14499 Sewage treatment plant overboard discharge three-way valve stuck in the overboard discharge position, sewage is discharged directly overboard

04114 Emergency generator unable to supply power to 220V switchboard during operational test

15109 SMS was not effectively implemented onboard as per ISM code element 10

10109 Aft navigation light rusted and not fixed with correct position during inspection

07110 Isolation valve fof foam main line for foam fire fighting system leaked heavily on main deck

04107 Braking control device for emergency towing system on poop deck malfunction

04121 Second engineer failed to demonstrate manual starting of emergency generator during inspection

07106 Smoke detector at auxiliary engine no.1 not function during inspection

07108 Obstruction in front of fire hose box at poop deck

14807 The captain & C/O not familiar with the B.W management plan dna the B.W operations onboard not meet the performance standard D-2 of BWM convention

15150 The SMS as implemented onboard failed to ensure the B.W management meet the regulation of BWM convention and effective em’cy preparedness

11132 Freefall Lifeboat Release Mechanism Defective.

10109 Angle of side light (P) exceed 112.5° (Stern light was installed instead of side light).

07101 Two slide door on bridge cannot kept gas tight.

04114 Emergency source of power – Emergency generator unable to start and put on load automatically during operational test.

07103 FIRE SAFETY- Division – decks,bulkheads and penetrations/Foam tank room insulation material damaged at many area and unable to maintain fire division standard.

04114 Emergency fire pump and its pipes/Emergency fire pump unable to pressurise the fire main during operational test.

15109 ISM/Maintenance of the ship and equipment – Deficiencies marked with ISM related reveal that the company safety management system was not effectively implemented onboard as per ISM element 10

11101 2 lifeboats launching appliances lost power

07115 2 fire dampers control unit for 4 vent. of E/R out of work.

11112 The stop rotated switch (covered the patchhole of hand gear handles) for launching appliances of starboard side lifeboat out of order.

11112 The limit switch for starboard side lifeboat out of order.

07110 Switch valve for foam pipe on the bow found seized.

04103 The emergency light for liferaft in the Bow bracket siezed result in not being rotated.

15109 All of above mentioned findings demonstrate that there is a serious failure in ensuring the vessel is maintained effectively as required by ISM code. Additional audit nees to be undertaken.

07106 Fire detection and alarm system sighted with alarm at time of inspection. Crew unable to reset.

07109 Fire line to deck store port side sprinklersystem found ruptured during operational test.

04114 Emergency generator unable to automatically put on-load, during operational test.

15109 As evidenced with ISM related deficiencies reveal that shipboard safety management system was not effectively implemented onboard as per ISM code element 10.

15150 As evidenced by the ISM related deficiencies indicates that the shipboard safety management system onboard was not effectively implemented onboard as per ISM element 7, 8 and 10

04114 Emergency generator found unable to start manually and automatically during operation test despite multiple attempt

07123 Engine room incinerator local water mist system sighted with ineffective spray pattern at time of operational test

15150The SMS as implemented on board fail to ensure effective ship maintenance, emergency preparedness and pollution prevention as evidenced by related above.

14503 Garbage was discharged to another boat on 03.11.2022 and 06.11.2022, the waste delivery receipt not provided, key person not familiar with the garbage management plan.

07114 The F.O inlet valve of No.3 G/E cannot be closed remotely.

14801 The Principal Ballast Water Management method employed on this ship is in accordance with regulation D-2, No evidence available that ballast water was treated before discharged to the sea many times, key person not familiar with the ballast water management plan.

07109 Fixed fire detection devices not installed in steering gear room.

07126 Large amounts of oil accumulated on surface of main engines and underneath of No. 2 & No.3 generators

14101 Oily water seperator – cannot automatic stop upon 15ppm alarm.

14402 Sewage treatment plant defective.

14602 A full record of adjustments or modification to the engine after it pre-certification not recorded completely on record book of engine parameters (i.e. the record only can be traced on 2014 for 7 pistons adjustment . History of nozzle of fuel valve only can be traced on 2021). All EIAPPS on board issed by K.R. not confirmed by new RO after the flag have been changed (i.e.no HD0NX – 0403-05; HD0NX 0182-05)

11124 Embarkation ladders used for life saving life boat broken.

14617 The Sulphur content of F.O. being used on board exceeds the applicable limit required by MARPOL ANNEX VI R. 14, as a result of the sample analysis by accredited laboratory on 09/10/2023. The sulphur content of F.O which taken as shown below indicated 1.95% M/M (sampling from low sulphur service tank).

14811 Ballast water management system not installed on board as per BWM convention.

15109 The SMS as implemented on board fail to ensure effective ship and equipment maintenance as evidenced by deficiencies related above.

11101 Air supply system of STBD side L/B out of order. The air cannot be supplied under control.

14402 Sewage treatment plant – No return fluid in sludge return Vinyl hose, valve of clarification tank to discharge pump

open, no chemical tablet in chlorination tank pocket, untreated water discharge to overboard through openoverboard valve.

11124 The side rope of embarkation ladder STBD side deteriorated and broken.

14611 One air conditioner with refrigerant R407C/R410A(non-ODS) in the wheelhouse malfunctioned in Otcober 2023, after repairing work, the air conditioner was modified to use refrigerant R22 (ODS) and kept in operation afterwards. Moreover, other three air conditioners with R22 as refrigerant listed in supplement to IAPP certificate are in operation on board, but there is no ODS record book on board.

14402 The chamber of the sewage treatment plant rusted and holed.

14501 The subject ship discharged 0.1 cubic meters un-comminuted food waste into the sea which is about 7.94 NM from Chinese baseline on 29 August, 2023.

15109 The SMS as implemented on board failed to ensure effective maintenance of the ship and equipment as evident by deficiencies.

07199 Cargo pump room bilge high level alarm P&S out of work.

07117 F.O. Leakage alarm of No.3 G/E defective.

07113 One isolating valve on middle deck fire main found siezed and another two isolating valves on deck bow fire main found non-functional.

07117 The FO leakage alarm of No. 2 G/E and No. 3 G/E malfunction.

15109 Deficiencies found with ISM related reveal that shipboard safety management system was not effectively implemented onboard as per ISM element 10

07109 Fixed fire extinguishing installation – Ship paint locker fixed water spraying system all nozzles were unable to provide water spray at the time of operational test

07123 Operation of fire protection systems – Fire main isolation valve at fire control station was found leaking and unable to isolate the water flow in term of emergency.

07113 Isolation valves in fire control station unable to isolate water to main deck during operational test

15109 As evidenced with ISM related deficiencies reveal that shipboard safety managment system was not effectively implemented onboard as per the ISM code element 10.

07105 STBD door on bridge deformed deavily and cannot closed tightly, STBD door rubber seal with holes

04114 Emcy’ generator started failure

11124 Cable hole on bulkhead of fore bosun store corroded heavily with holes


07109 Fixed water spraying for incinerator failed to be demonstrated at the time of inspection

07114 One group of the quick clsoing valve is inoperable

07115 fire damper for engine room space can’t closed

04102 Emergency fire pump failed to start

07113 The isolation valve found malfunction

07114 The fire damper No.2 E/R ventilator can not be closed by remote manner

11113 One wire rope for launching the rescue boat broke during inspection

11124 The side rope of embarkation ladder at starboard side lifeboat deck ortted and broke

07116 Ventilator of steering gear room can not be closed during inspection

14402 Liquid return pipe of the sewage treatment plant is blocked and no back flow, so it can not work normally

10133 Ship acress the military prohibited area during approaching Port

10135 Bridge team members not conduct confirmation after make the passage plan approacing port

15107 SMS implementation on ship fails to ensure safe and legal route

11101 The port side L/B air supply system was found leaking seriously

07117 The oil collecting pipe for high pressure fuel oil pipe of main engine No.2 and No.5 cylinder were disconnection, some sections of the oil collecting pipe was found blocked

15109 SMS was not implemented effectively on board as required by ISM code

07123 Paint locker sprinkler middle nozzle missing and stbd side nozzle has no water coming out during operational test

07114 Auxiliary generator No.2 and No.3 fuel oil isolation valve unable to close during operational test

07120 The emergency escape trunk ladder is not fixed in such a way that heat is not transferable into the enclosure through non insulated fixing points

15109 Deficiencies marked with ISM related reveal that shipboard SMS was not effectively implemented onboard as per ISM element 10

11119 All immersion suits not have lifejacket lights. The emmersion shuits are designed to be worn without a life jacket

11104 Cooling water system for rescueboat engine defective

04102 Emergency fire pump failed to supply water during operational test. Emergency fire pump discharge line flange found leaking and discharge valve was found shut before operational test

07113 Fire main isolation valve found not holding at closed position and fire main pipe between frame 75 to 80 found leaking

15150 As evidenced by the ISM related deficiencies indicates that the shipboard safety management system was not effectively implemented onboard as per ISM element 8 and 10


07106 At the time of the inspection there was found three alarms in several areas in fire control panel alarm system which was located in bridge. Specifically fire control panel was writing “FAULT”.

07112 E.E.B.D which located inside galley was found empty.

04102 At the time of the drill and specifically at the time using emergency fire pump, which was located inside forecastle, large amount of smoke was coming out of emergency pump head. After that, amount of oil was also coming out

and suddenly sparks were coming out. Fire drill with fire pump was directly stopped. Emergency fire pump was not ready to use. Need maintenance.

04110 At the time of abandon drill using port lifeboat crew has not the knowledge enough for controlling the lifeboat.

07106 Two smoke detectors which were located inside engine room were found inoperative. At the time we tested them no sight or sign alarm was coming.

7109 A lot amount of heads from drencher system in car deck 3 & car deck 4 were missing.

10111 Chart N. 1055 for the ships voyage was missing.

11101 Stbd side lifeboat engine defective

11101 Port side lifeboat engine defective

15109 SMS as implemented fails to ensure that vessel is maintained in conformity with the provisions of the relevant rules and regulations

07101 A hole found on the engine room casing near skylight

07115 No.1 funnel shutter of engine room can not be closed

11101 Test for No.2 lifeboat engine start by No.2 start battery failed, the charger of No.1 & No.2 start battery for No.2 lifeboat defective

14104 Two pneumatic valves locating on discharge pipe and pipe back to hloding tank not workde while 15 ppm alarm activated

07109 Automatic water ejecting function test for M/E local application water mist extinghushiing system failed

07113 Isolation valve is malfunction which is evidenced by a large amount of water spraying out from the E/R fire hydrant under the circumstance of the shout off the isolation valve


07114 Ventilation motor in independent generator engine not able to stop from outside

10118 Speed log failed

07110 fire hydrant on boat deck STBD hard to open, after open the valve it was unable to supply water