
2024-09-23 11:18

近日,贵州大学王旭团队联合南方科技大学量子科学与工程研究院王钊以「Cooperative engineering the multiple radio-frequency fields to reduce the X-Junction barrier for ion trap chips」¹为题在Chip上发表研究论文,报道了利用多射频场协同优化离子阱芯片结电极附近的囚禁势场分布,以降低囚禁势垒和反常声子加热的方法。第一作者为刘亚瑞、共同第一作者王钊,通讯作者为王钊、王旭。本文被遴选为本期封面文章和本期Featured in Chip编辑特选文章之一。Chip是全球唯一聚焦芯片类研究的综合性国际期刊,是入选了国家高起点新刊计划的「三类高质量论文」期刊之一。


离子阱量子比特以其长相干时间、高保真度的量子态制备与操控、全连通性等特点成为量子计算领域中非常有希望实现高保真度可扩展的物理体系²⁻³,并在实验中已经演示了量子纠错的基本原理。目前研究的热点在于解决系统的扩展性问题。基于量子电荷耦合器件(Quantum Charge-coupled Device,QCCD)架构的离子阱芯片通过扩展一维离子量子比特至二维、划分不同功能区实现量子逻辑操作,可以有效提高离子量子比特数量并保持比特的高保真度。结合微加工技术,有效降低了控制电极的尺寸,提高了系统的一致性。



图1 | a, RF电极的分割;b, RF电压分布优化前后的势垒高度。



图2 | RF电极图形与RF电压分布混合优化时,分别优化转弯(a)与直行(b)两种情况下的电极图形与电压分布。


图3 | 针对转弯情况输运进行图形与电压分布混合优化前后的囚禁赝势分布。


图4 | 针对直线输运情形进行图形与电压分布混合优化前后的囚禁赝势分布。



图5 |应用多RF场方法对RF电压分布进行优化后,转弯(a)与直行(b)所需的RF独立信道数。每种情况均只需4个独立RF信号。


Cooperative engineering the multiple radio-frequency fields to reduce the X-junction barrier for ion trap chips¹

Ion trap qubits are a promising physical system in quantum computing due to their long coherence time, high-fidelity quantum state preparation and manipulation, and full connectivity²⁻³. Experiments have demonstrated the basic principles of quantum error correction. However, the scalability problem remains a major research challenge. To overcome this, researchers are exploring the use of the ion trap chip method based on the quantum charge-coupled device (QCCD) architecture. This approach extends one-dimensional ion qubits to two dimensions and divides different functional areas to effectively increase the number of ion qubits while maintaining high fidelity. Additionally, micromachining technology is used to reduce the size of the control electrode and improve the consistency of the system.

The QCCD architecture relies on an ion trap chip that requires ions to be shuttled between different functional areas.However, during transportation, electric field noise can heat the phonon qubits carried by the ions, leading to the destruction of phonon state information. Additionally, transportation time can account for more than 60% of the total running time of the quantum algorithm⁴. Thus, reducing the phonon heating rate of ions and shortening the transport time are critical challenges that need to be addressed in the QCCD architecture. Moreover, the shuttling of ions in the QCCD framework occurs in a two-dimensional plane, which necessitates different types of transport modes such as turning and straight travel. As a result, electrodes with different geometries are required⁵. In previous studies, changing the geometry of the RF electrode achieved connectivity of the trapping potential field near the junction and optimization of the junction barrier height. However, the optimized trapping electric field required symmetry in multiple directions, reducing the potential well depth and trapping frequency near the center. This quickly resulted in problems such as ion loss and transport separation effects of mixed ion species. Optimizing the electrode geometry also required recalculating the electric field generated by electrodes of different shapes in each round, necessitating high time complexity. Furthermore, the shape of the electrode is fixed immediately after processing and cannot resist deviation during processing, nor can it satisfy the generation of the trapping potential field that needs to change with time.


Fig. 1 | a, Segmentation of the RF electrode. b, Poseudo-potential barrier before and after RF voltage distribution optimization.

The multi-RF field collaborative optimization method for the ion trapping potential field proposed in this article divides the original single RF trapping electrode into multiple independent sub-electrodes. It applies an independent RF voltage of the same frequency with adjustable amplitude to each sub-electrode. Changing the amplitude distribution of the loaded RF voltage causes real-time changes in the trapped electric field near the junction, thereby optimizing and reducing the junction barrier. The article takes the X-shaped junction as an example to simulate and verify the method. The simulation results show that the trapping barrier (yellow and grey solid lines in Fig. 1b) after RF voltage amplitude distribution optimization is four times lower than the trapping barrier generated using the same electrode (blue solid line in Fig. 1b) before the voltage distribution is optimized.


Fig. 2 | When the RF electrode shape and RF voltage distribution optimization method are hybrid, the optimization results for the corner-turning (a) and straight-froward shuttling (b), respectively.


Fig. 3 | The distribution of trapped pseudopotentials before and after hybrid optimization for corner-turning shuttling shapes.


Fig. 4 | The distribution of trapped pseudopotentials before and after hybrid optimization for straight-forward shuttling shapes.

The article also studied a hybrid optimization method that combines electrode geometry optimization and RF voltage distribution optimization. The shapes of the four RF electrodes near the junction center were optimized for turning and straight-line transportation. We are applying the multi-RF voltage optimization method based on this optimization result. The hybrid optimizing results show that when individually using the optimization method, no matter the RF electrode geometry optimization (by adding a ‘finger’ shape and ‘cleaved’ shape) or the RF voltage distribution optimization, the final RF barrier heights are similar. However, the hybrid optimization gives a further lower result, both for corner-turning (Fig. 2a) and straight-forward (Fig. 2b) shuttling (yellow line in Fig. 3a, grey solid line in Fig. 4a). Fig. 3b and 4b plot the distribution of pseudopotential tubes in three dimensions for corner-turning and straight-forward shuttling respectively.


Fig. 5 | The number of independent RF channels required for turning (a) and going straight (b) after applying the multi-RF field method to optimize the RF voltage distribution. Only four independent RF signals are required in each case.

The article provides an overview of the voltage-switching protocol and the minimum number of independent RF channels required to apply the multi-RF field method. It also examines the feasibility of applying this method to multiple junction electrodes. There are two types of ion shuttling paths: corner-turning and straight-forward shuttling. Although there are many possible paths with different starting and ending points, they can all be summarized into these two types. To optimize the RF voltage distribution, it is only necessary to optimize it once for each type of shuttling, and then apply the RF voltages according to the correct path direction. Once the RF voltage distribution has been optimized in one direction, it can be used for ion shuttling along all four directions. The multi-RF field optimization method studied in this article controls the shuttling path (pseudopotential tube shape) where the trapped pseudopotential is zero. The applied RF voltages are static, while the DC voltages required to drive ion shuttling are time-varying. The DC voltages have different effects from the RF voltages. Therefore, the DC waveform design required for ion shuttling can follow the previous method. In addition, the optimization process for RF voltage distribution now includes the constraint of voltage symmetry distribution. Hence, only four independently controlled RF channels are needed within a single junction (Fig. 5). The proposed multi-RF field junction electrode design and control method can be applied to multiple junction electrodes simultaneously and is highly scalable.


1. Liu, Y. et al. Cooperative engineering the multiple radio-frequency fields to reduce the X-Junction barrier for ion trap chips.Chip 3, 100078 (2023).

2. Wu, W., Zhang, T. & Chen, P.-X. Quantum computing and simulation with trapped ions: on the path to the future. Fund. Res. 1, 213-216 (2021).

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4. Moses, S. A. et al. A race track trapped-ion quantum processor. Preprint at https:///10.48550/arXiv.2305.03828 (2023).

5. Kaushal, V. et al. Shuttling-based trapped-ion quantum information processing.AVS Quantum Sci. 2, 014101 (2020).






Liu Yarui received his master degree from Guizhou University in 2023. His main research direction is design and optimization of stable ion trap electrodes.



Wang Zhao is an assistant researcher at the Institute of Quantum Science and Engineering of the Southern University of Science and Technology. He received his Ph.D. in 2016 from the CAS Key Laboratory of Quantum Information at the University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China. His research interests focus on ion trap quantum computing and scalable ion chips.



Xu Wang completed his PhD studies at University of Oxford in 2012. Then he returned to Guizhou University in 2013 as Professor of Physics and Electronics. Since 2019, he has also become a graduate tutor of Tsinghua University in Beijing, China. His research and teaching focus on the areas of energy related advanced materials.




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Chip第三卷第一期已于2024年3月在爱思维尔Chip官网以金色开放获取形式(Gold Open Access)发布,欢迎访问阅读本期最新文章。

