Kasper Kyster

Kasper Kyster勇于探索未知领域。他渴望通过测试自己的直觉,并尝试不同的材料和原则,以实现某种自发性的创作。他的动力主要源自于创作过程本身,即追求独特而非完美,享受创作与生产的过程。在他的艺术设计中,每一次实验都是对既有认知的突破,每一次尝试都是对未知的勇敢迈进。



丹麦设计师Kasper Kyster对日常材料的固有认知发起了挑战。此次展览重点展示了他的创作方法,即使用透明塑料管来制作各种家用家具。他的作品突破了现代工艺的界限,将工业材料转化为富有艺术感的表达形式。

In his project “Crafting Plastic,” Danish designer Kasper Kyster challenges the very perception of everyday materials.During the vibrant 3 days of design festival in Copenhagen, Kyster unveiled his first solo exhibition at Officinet in Bredgade 66. This showcase highlights his approach, using transparent plastic tubes to create a variety of domestic furniture. His collection pushes the boundaries of modern craftsmanship, transforming industrial materials into artful s.

Kyster梦想着将工业设计与艺术相结合,创作出能够激发新灵感的作品。“我的梦想是我的实践能够融合这两个世界,”Kyster解释道。这一愿景在“Crafting Plastic”项目中得到了充分体现,该项目通过展示塑料在设计中的潜力,挑战了人们对塑料的传统认知。

Kyster dreams of bridging industrial design and art, creating pieces that inspire new ideas. “My dream is that my practice can include both worlds,” Kyster explains. This vision is evident in “Crafting Plastic,” which challenges perceptions of plastic by showcasing its potential in design.


Using a technique, Kyster manipulates transparent plastic tubes to create chairs, lighting, stools, and benches, forcing a reconsideration of this ubiquitous material.


Using a technique, Kyster manipulates transparent plastic tubes to create chairs, lighting, stools, and benches, forcing a reconsideration of this ubiquitous material.


Kyster’s designs are easily understood, both in construction and functionality. “People should be able to understand my design, how it’s made and how it’s put together,” he emphasizes. This transparency is mirrored in the visible structure of the plastic tubes.


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