提到全球奢华酒店,人们往往会想到丽思卡尔顿(The Ritz-Carlton)。丽思卡尔顿酒店一直以来都是奢华住宿的代名词,更是传奇、雅致、灵感及尊贵体验的展现。

隐世系列是丽思在2008年打造的全别墅式度假酒店品牌- Ritz Carlton Reserve。编织美好回忆而运作,是丽思卡尔顿隐世系列对奢华的进阶诠释。而耐心打磨,在毫不在意时间与金钱成本的追求下,最终为世界呈现出了一个个有质感、有温度、有内涵的顶奢酒店系列。





传奇设计师Jaya Ibrahim的遗作

成为中国唯一的“Ritz Reserve

设计大师 / Jaya Ibrahim



Chiara Calufetti-Lim


John Pettigrew

Jaya Ibrahim
T’ROKA 酒店系列新成员——丽思卡尔顿隐世酒店(Ritz-Carlton Reserve)的里塞谷(Rissai Valley)——为宾客提供沉浸式的九寨沟谷地景观与传统体验,这里自然风光之美与藏文化交相辉映。

The newest addition to the T’ROKA hotel collection — Rissai Valley, a Ritz-Carlton Reserve — offers an immersive connection to the landscapes and traditions of Jiuzhaigou Valley, where the beauty of nature meets Tibetan culture.

外观整体 / Exterior Overall
中国的九寨沟(亦被誉为神奇的“九村之谷”)或许是国内一颗被低估的瑰宝。作为联合国教科文组织世界遗产地,九寨沟或许稍显偏远,但其魅力绝对值得一游。九寨沟呈Y字形,由树正沟、则查洼沟、日则沟三条主沟构成,这片如画的仙境以其璀璨如宝石的湖泊、层叠的瀑布和白雪皑皑的山峰而备受喜爱。通过Holiday Tours旗下的T’ROKA,您可以在旅程的每一步都享受到专属旅行特权和个性化服务,探索这片迷人的山谷。

China’s Jiuzhaigou Valley (also known as the magical “Valley of Nine Villages”) is perhaps one of the country’s underrated gems. The UNESCO World Heritage-listed site may be slightly off the beaten track, but its charms are certainly worth the journey. A Y-shaped valley with three main sections (the Zechawa, Rize and Shuzheng valleys), this picturesque fairyland is beloved for its sparkling, jewel-coloured lakes, cascading waterfalls, and snow-capped peaks. And now with T’ROKA by Holiday Tours, you can explore this enchanting valley with exclusive travel privileges and personalised service at every step of your journey.

外观-细节 / Exterior-Detail

大堂外观雪景 / Snow scene outside the lobby
在九寨沟,您还会发现丽思卡尔顿隐世酒店系列中的最新度假村——Rissai Valley。Rissai Valley巧妙地坐落在森林之间,既是一个奢华的私密避世之所,又能让您沉浸于九寨沟的自然风光和传统藏族村落生活的文化之中。

In Jiuzhaigou you will also find Rissai Valley, the latest resort in the prestigious Ritz-Carlton Reserve portfolio. Fitted snugly between forests, Rissai Valley is both an intimate luxury hideaway as well as an immersive experience with Jiuzhaigou’s natural surroundings and the culture of traditional Tibetan village life.

骑马 / Lifestyle-horse riding

豪华别墅雪景 / Snow scenery of luxury villa

Porte Cochere-铜丝网 / Porte Cochere-copper screen
Rissai Valley于去年6月正式对外开放。其名源自藏语中的“村庄”,也回溯到九寨沟的原始含义,即中文中的“九村”。Rissai Valley拥有87栋私人别墅,横跨72,000公顷的自然保护区。环绕其周围的是构成九寨沟国家公园的原始森林:这里栖息着中国一些最珍稀的植物、动物和鸟类,生长着树叶色彩斑斓的树木。欢迎自然爱好者们徒步游览国家公园,品尝传统藏餐。

Rissai Valley first opened its doors in June last year. The name is derived from the Tibetan word for “village” and also traces back to the original meaning of Jiuzhaigou, or “nine villages” in Chinese. Featuring 87 private villas, Rissai Valley stretches across a 72,000-hectare nature reserve. And what encompasses it? The ancient forests that make up the Jiuzhaigou National Park: some of China’s rarest species of plants, animals, and birds, trees with vibrant, colourful leaves. Nature lovers are welcome to make the hike within the national park and sample traditional Tibetan cuisine.

别墅露台日 / Lifestyle-villa terrace day

三卧室别墅泳池 / Three Bedroom Villa Pool

大堂酒廊露台 / Lobby Lounge terrace

别墅露台晚上 / Villa terrace evening

由于Rissai Valley毗邻九寨沟,因此长期入住也意味着您将收获绝佳美景。度假区内全部87栋别墅均可欣赏到壮丽的岷山山脉雪景、森林景观以及古老藏族村落。度假区的室内设计由已故印尼室内设计传奇人物Jaya Ibrahim精心打造。步入Rissai Valley,您会发现这里充满了绿色、祖母绿和蓝色的色调——仿佛九寨沟那波光粼粼的湖水一般,同时通过藏族手工艺展现当地村落的文化与传统。

As Rissai Valley is nestled near Jiuzhaigou Valley, a prolonged stay would also mean some of the best views you can get. All 87 villas within the reserve offer absolutely stunning views of the snow-capped Minshan mountain range, forests, and ancient Tibetan villages. The interiors of the reserve were meticulously crafted by the late Indonesian interior design legend Jaya Ibrahim. As you walk into Rissai Valley, you’ll find shades of green, emerald, and blue — as though they were the sparkling waters of Jiuzhaigou itself, while also celebrating the culture and heritage of local villages through artisanal Tibetan craftsmanship.

双卧室别墅露台 / Two Bedroom Villa Terrace

接待处 / Reception

大堂-藏族风情 / Lobby-Tibetan Style

大堂酒廊内部 / Lobby Lounge interior

别墅起居室 / Villa living room

单卧室别墅 / One bedroom villa

别墅浴室-洗手池 / Villa Bathroom-Sink

豪华别墅浴室 / Luxury villa bathroom

双卧室别墅 / Two bedroom villa

双卧室别墅-特大床 / Two Bedroom Villa-King Bed
在Rissai Valley,用餐本身就是一种体验。您可以在用餐时欣赏周围的美景,也可以在Beyond餐厅享用浪漫的定制晚餐,这是一个位于风景如画的花园中的用餐体验,可俯瞰森林。在九寨沟清澈溪流旁或壮丽雪山背景下享受家庭野餐,亦是极力推荐的极佳选择。

Within Rissai Valley, dining is an experience in itself. Take in the beautiful surroundings as you indulge in your meals, or traipse on a romantic dinner at Dining Beyond, a customised dining experience, in a picturesque garden setting overlooking the forests. Family picnics by Jiuzhaigou’s crystal-clear streams or against a backdrop of snow-capped mountains are also fully encouraged.

餐厅餐饮-早餐 / Restaurant Dining-Breakfast

中餐厅餐饮 / Chinese restaurant catering

餐厅餐饮-接待会 / Restaurant Catering-Reception

波日村-开放式厨房 / Bo Ri Village-open kitchen

彩林轩-PDR / Cai Lin Xuan-PDR

La Montagne 餐厅用餐-特色餐饮 / Dining at La Montagne-Specialty Dining

蒙塔尼亚-PDR / La Motange-PDR
Rissai Spa将自己定位为致力于全面健康与心灵平和的圣地,是结束一天探索之旅后放松身心的最佳场所。这里采用古老的疗法和源自藏传佛教哲学的治疗方式,定能让您在水疗中心沉浸于宁静平和的心境之中。

Positioning itself as a sanctuary dedicated to holistic wellness and peace of mind, the Rissai Spa is the best spot to unwind after a full day of exploring. Using ancient healing modalities and treatments inspired by Tibetan philosophies, you’ll be sure to slip right into a tranquil state of mind at the spa.

豪华水疗情侣套房 / Luxury Spa Couple Suite

水疗中心泳池景观 / Spa Pool View

水疗按摩浴缸 / Spa-jacuzzi

Rissai Valley的文化反映了其周边地区的传统。在这次沉浸式旅行中,度假区将您与自然环境以及传统西藏村落文化紧密相连。在您踏上旅程时,一位精通当地传统与特色的“聂巴”(意为“私人向导”)也将成为您的目的地内部人士,让您确切了解每个地点的独特之处。聂巴还会为客人打点一切细节,确保您享受无缝衔接的住宿体验。

The culture of Rissai Valley reflects that of its surrounding traditions. On your immersive trip, the reserve connects you with the natural surroundings and culture of traditional Xizang village life. As you embark on your journey, a “Nieba” (which translates as “personal host”), who is well-versed in local traditions and distinctiveness, also acts as your destination insider, so you know exactly what awaits you at each point. The Neiba also takes care of every detail for guests, ensuring a seamless stay experience for you.

大堂酒廊下午茶 / Afternoon Tea at Lobby Lounge

图书馆酒廊-书籍 / Library Lounge-Books
Bo Ri Village是一个风景如画的古老村落,位于度假区的正对面,提供全天候餐饮服务,让您品尝到谷内正宗的美食。在Rissai Valley内,精致的四川餐厅蔡林轩主打当地特色菜肴。在拉梦特餐厅,您可以一边欣赏令人叹为观止的美景,一边从一系列地中海风味美食中进行选择。

Bo Ri Village, an idyllic ancient village situated just opposite the Reserve, offers all-day dining where you can experience the valley’s authentic cuisines. Within Rissai Valley, refined Sichuan restaurant Cai Lin Xuan highlights local specialties. La Montagne is where you can choose from a range of Mediterranean-inspired cuisine as you immerse in the breathtaking views.

彩林轩-梯田 / Cai Lin Xuan-terrace

在远处用餐 / Dining Beyond

In this idyllic setting of ‘within’ and also ‘on the outer edge’, you can uncover a lot of the valley’s culture — from the artistry of Tibetan folk dance and classical music to the meditative practice of Thangka painting. Of course, making the steps is also highly encouraged — early risers can also join on a leisurely hike into the pristine forests surrounding the property.

瑜伽馆 / yoga studio

酥油茶&制香 / Butter tea&incense making

白塔 / Lifestyle-white tower

夫妻散步 / Lifestyle-couple walking
项目名称 | 日赛谷丽思卡尔顿隐世酒店
Project Name | Rissai Valley,a Ritz-Carlton Reserve
建筑设计 | WATG
Architecture Design | WATG
室内设计 | Jaya Ibrahim
Interior Design | Jaya Ibrahim
景观设计 | John Pettigrew
Landscape Design | John Pettigrew
项目地址 | 四川九寨沟
Project Location | Jiuzhaigou, Sichuan



出生于印度尼西亚的Jaya Ibrahim先生,曾在英国旅居与工作长达20年,并于1993年返回故里。西方教育及阅历与内心的印度尼西亚爪哇文化精神碰撞,形成Jaya Ibrahim独有的东西方元素结合的美学领悟,其设计能力受到安缦、嘉佩乐、四季、丽思卡尔顿、柏悦等奢华酒店品牌的青睐。

热衷选用自然材料,讲究平衡对称,Jaya Ibrahim先生的空间打造颇具东方美学。而事实上,Jaya Ibrahim先生与中国奢华酒店渊源深厚,被认为是“最懂中国文化的外国设计师”,目前中国四家安缦便有三家出自其手(颐和安缦、大研安缦、法云安缦),此外,富春山居度假村、上海璞丽酒店、长白山柏悦酒店,以及包括其已落成的遗作–日赛谷丽思卡尔顿隐世酒店、厦门安达仕酒店、兰亭安麓均是其在中国的力作。

Studio Daminato | Duplex Apartment

季裕棠 | 东京虎之门之丘

无间设计丨知常于忆 见新在变