
Luyeyuan Stone Sculpture Art Museum exhibits a private collection of Buddhist stone sculptures. The overall layout, resembling traditional Chinese gardens, allows visitors to experience natural space and artificial space alternately while going through the museum. The construction method of the framework and walls corresponds to the local craftsmanship: the inner layer is made of plain concrete composite wall with brick as mold. The gaps between the blocks are used to organize the light, the sculptures and the landscape. In this way, the whole museum blends into the surrounding scenery yet forms a distinctive atmosphere.

博物馆入口景观 / the entrance landscape


The local wild hybrid trees were originally designed to be reserved for wild growth. The shade gives new poetry to the path. The bamboo grows higher and higher, becoming a natural division of space.

展览大厅入口 / entrance of the exhibition hall

博物馆屋顶水池 / roof water pool


The visitor’s journey through the museum offers a three-dimensional immersive experience of architecture and landscape: The entrance itself comprises a series of elevated concrete platforms that move in a rhythmical and diagonal fashion, framed by dense bamboo forests and a canopied sky of trees. Through its inclined layout, the building itself remains concealed until visitors arrive at a narrow entry ramp spanning across a serene water surface.


Inverting expectations, the ramp penetrates the 2nd floor of the main museum so that one hovers over the ground floor, cavernous as if it had been excavated, displaying large-scale Buddhist figurines and wall carvings. In the same way as the landscape is experienced circuitously, visitors circulate the perimeter of a roof courtyard where light filled vitrines containing various Buddha statues punctuate the walls. One is then led down a flight of stairs to the main L-shaped exhibition hall that is subtly subdivided into four niches separated byvertical gaps of light.


the interior view of the museum with

the theme of the Buddhist stone sculptures


the interior view of the museum,

using the skylight to introduce the natural light

博物馆藏品细节 / details of the Buddhist stone sculptures

草稿图 / 家琨建筑设计事务所

平面图 / 家琨建筑设计事务所
剖面图 / 家琨建筑设计事务所
项目名称 | 鹿野苑石刻艺术博物馆
Project Name | Luyeyuan Stone Sculpture Art Museum
项目地址 | 中国四川省成都市郫县新民场镇云桥村
Project Address | Yunqiaocun Village, Xinminchangzhen Town, Pixian County, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
建筑面积 | 1100 ㎡
Floor Area | 1,100 ㎡
项目摄影 | 毕克俭
Photography | BI Kejian
设计单位 |家琨建筑设计事务所
Designer | Jiakun Architects
主设计师 | 刘家琨
Principle Architect | LIU Jiakun
设计团队 | 汪伦、赵瑞祥
Team | WANG Lun and ZHAO Ruixiang
设计内容 | 规划设计,建筑设计,景观设计,室内设计
Design Contents | Planning Design, Building Design, Landscape Design, Interior Design

创始人 / 刘家琨


Founded by Liu Jiakun in 1999, Jiakun Architectural Design Studio organizes and participates in numerous international architectural collaborations, exhibitions, and exchanges. With clients spanning across China and Europe, the studio’s work scope encompasses project planning, urban design, architectural design, landscape design, interior design, product design, and contemporary artistic creations. Its works are grounded in reality, respectful of traditions and folk wisdom, and emphasize the symbiosis between architecture and nature.
朴悦设计 | 绿城·熙海棠 云谷思想会客厅
Jaya Ibrahim | 日塞谷 · 丽思卡尔顿隐世酒店
W.DESIGN 无间设计 | 武汉联投中心
DOMANI东仓建设 | 喜鹊 · 南京玄武湖