1. “教父” (The Godfather)
2. “星球大战” (Star Wars)
3. “阿甘正传” (Forrest Gump)
4. “肖申克的救赎” (The Shawshank Redemption)
5. “教父第二部” (The Godfather: Part II)
6. “辛德勒的名单” (Schindlers List)
7. “黄金三镖客” (The Good, the Bad and the Ugly)
8. “指环王三部曲” (The Lord of the Rings trilogy)
9. “星际穿越” (Interstellar)
10. “黑暗骑士” (The Dark Knight)
11. “盗梦空间” (Inception)
12. “狮子王” (The Lion King)
13. “禁闭岛” (Shutter Island)
14. “教父第三部” (The Godfather: Part III)
15. “少年派的奇幻漂流” (Life of Pi)
16. “达拉斯买家俱乐部” (Dallas Buyers Club)
17. “美丽心灵” (A Beautiful Mind)
18. “教父前传:末代狂花” (The Godfather Part II: All the Kings Men)
19. “美国往事” (Once Upon a Time in America)
20. “疯狂动物城” (Zootopia)