US pledges military support to Japan and South Korea in historic trilateral security agreement



The United States has pledged comprehensive military support to Japan and South Korea. This commitment was formalized in an agreement signed on July 28, 2024, during talks in Tokyo, marking a crucial step in cementing security cooperation among the three nations ahead of the upcoming U.S. presidential election in November.


The agreement, which involves regular military training exercises, aims to address shared concerns about North Korea’s missile program.


U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin emphasized the unprecedented nature of the trilateral security partnership, highlighting plans for enhanced senior-level security talks and real-time data sharing on North Korean missile launches.


Austin, alongside U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, discussed the need for robust deterrence against potential military collaboration between Russia and North Korea.


“We are at a critical juncture and our decisions today will determine our future,” stated Japanese Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa, underscoring the significance of the agreement. The ministers collectively expressed their concerns about North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs and Russia’s undermining of arms control, especially through its military cooperation with North Korea.



Regional tensions


Concerns over North Korea’s missiles and China have pushed Japan, South Korea, and the U.S. closer together. The defense chiefs’ meeting in Tokyo follows a major summit hosted by President Joe Biden at Camp David about a year ago. With the possibility of Donald Trump returning to the White House, the three nations are working to bind the trilateral relationship so tightly that it would be hard to unravel.


“We are at a critical juncture and our decisions today will determine our future,” Kamikawa said. The meeting’s outcome is seen as a robust response to the evolving security dynamics in the region, particularly with the increasing military cooperation between Russia and neighboring countries, and the ongoing threats posed by North Korea.


U.S.-Japan ‘2+2’ talks and strategic initiatives


The U.S. and Japan also held separate ministerial-level discussions aimed at elevating their military alliance, focusing on integrating Japan’s Self-Defense Forces with U.S. military operations to improve command and control structures.


The two sides agreed on several initiatives including the overhaul of U.S. military forces in Japan, aiming to create a joint force headquarters for better interoperability during both peacetime and contingencies. Austin described these changes as the most significant since the creation of U.S. Forces Japan, underscoring the upgrade’s historic impact on the alliance.



2024年7月28日,美国国防部长劳埃德·J·奥斯汀三世和国务卿安东尼·布林肯在东京举行的美日安全磋商委员会会议后与日本防卫大臣及外务大臣举行新闻发布会 (Image Credit: Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Alexander Kubitza/U.S. DoD)

Some of the mutually agreed initiatives are as follows:


1. Upgrading Command, and Control (C2)The U.S. and Japan commit to strengthening their Alliance through improved coordination at all levels. Plans include reconstituting U.S. Forces Japan (USFJ) as a joint force headquarters, enhancing interoperability, and aligning missions and capabilities with Japan’s Joint Staff Office Command (JJOC). Key efforts involve refining C2 frameworks, policy-level decision-making, operational planning, and cybersecurity measures.

1. 升级指挥与控制 ( C2 ) 美国和日本承诺通过加强各级协调来加强联盟。计划包括将驻日美军 ( USFJ ) 改组为联合部队总部、增强互操作能力以及与日本联合参谋部司令部 ( JJOC ) 协调任务和能力。关键工作包括完善C2框架、政策层面的决策、作战规划和网络安全措施。

2. Enhancing Stand-Off Defense Capabilities Both nations aim to advance Japan’s stand-off defense capabilities with U.S. support. This includes cooperation on Japan’s acquisition of Tomahawk missiles, JASSM-ER procurements, and development of indigenous missiles. These steps are designed to bolster Japan’s counterstrike capacity.

2. 加强防区外的防御能力 两国均希望在美国的支持下,加强日本防区外的防御能力,包括在日本采购战斧导弹、JASSM-ER采购以及自主研发导弹方面的合作。这些措施旨在增强日本的反击能力。

3. Strengthening Southwest Islands Defense The Alliance supports Japan’s initiatives to deploy additional units to its Southwest Islands. This region’s security is enhanced through joint exercises, increased military presence, and improved communication with local communities.

3. 加强西南诸岛防卫 北约支持日本向西南诸岛增派部队的举措。该地区的安全通过联合演习、增加军事存在和改善与当地社区的沟通得到加强。

4. Bolstering Readiness and Operations To maintain readiness, the U.S. and Japan will expand realistic cross-domain training and exercises, such as Resolute Dragon and Orient Shield. Efforts include enhancing the operational effectiveness of defense assets, exploring new joint training opportunities, and integrating advanced technologies in fighter pilot training.

4. 加强战备与作战能力 为保持战备能力,美日将扩大“坚决之龙”和“东方之盾”等跨领域实战训练与演习,并努力提高国防资产的作战效能,探索新的联合训练机会,并将先进技术融入战斗机飞行员训练。


5. Enhancing Extended Deterrence In response to strategic and nuclear threats, the U.S. and Japan emphasize strengthening extended deterrence. This includes enhancing Japan’s defense capabilities and conducting strategic-level discussions through the Extended Deterrence Dialogue.

5. 加强延伸威慑  为应对战略威胁和核威胁,美日强调加强延伸威慑,包括加强日本的防卫能力,以及通过延伸威慑对话进行战略层面的讨论。

6. Deepening ISR Cooperation Progress in Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) cooperation is crucial for bilateral maritime domain awareness and timely information sharing. The Bilateral Information Analysis Cell (BIAC) and U.S. MQ-9 deployment to Kadena Air Base are key components.

6. 深化情报、监视和侦察(ISR)合作  情报、监视和侦察 (ISR) 合作的进展对于双边海域意识和及时信息共享至关重要。双边信息分析中心(BIAC)和美国MQ-9无人机部署到嘉手纳空军基地是关键组成部分。

7. Expanding Cross-Domain Operations The Alliance will strengthen coordination in cyber, space, and electromagnetic warfare. Initiatives include developing a Low Earth Orbit (LEO) detection system, enhancing space cooperation, and addressing information warfare threats.

7. 扩大跨领域作战 联盟将加强网络战、太空战和电磁战的协作,包括开发低地球轨道(LEO)探测系统、加强太空合作和应对信息战威胁等举措。

8. Strengthening Cyber and Information Security Emphasizing cyber resilience, the Alliance aims to enhance critical infrastructure cybersecurity and incorporate Zero Trust Architecture. Japan’s implementation of the Risk Management Framework will support these efforts.

8. 加强网络和信息安全 强调网络弹性,联盟旨在增强关键基础设施的网络安全,并引入零信任架构。日本实施的风险管理框架将支持这些努力。

9. Collaborating with Global Partners The U.S. and Japan will deepen partnerships with allies like Australia, the Republic of Korea, and the Philippines to promote regional stability and security. This involves joint exercises, capacity building, and multilateral cooperation to uphold international law and regional unity.

9. 与全球伙伴合作 美国和日本将深化与澳大利亚、韩国和菲律宾等盟友的伙伴关系,以促进地区稳定和安全。包括联合演习、能力建设和多边合作,维护国际法和地区团结。


2024年7月28日,美国国防部长和日本防卫大臣在东京防卫省 (Image Credit: X/@SecDef)

U.S. Defense Chief Austin said that the bilateral agreement between Japan and the U.S. laid out “unprecedented steps for our trilateral security partnership.” He also highlighted the need to modernize the alliance command and control, calling it an “historic decision.” This modernization includes expanding missions and operational responsibilities, as well as reinforcing combined abilities to deter and respond to coercive behavior in the Indo-Pacific and beyond.


In line with this commitment, the two countries have agreed to work together on developing counterstrike capabilities. This move is aimed at enhancing Japan’s defense posture, which has been shifting away from its post-World War II pacifist stance. Japan plans to boost defense spending to about 2% of its GDP by 2027 and acquire significant counterstrike capabilities.


Strengthening the Quad


As a follow-up to the defense discussions, Japan will host a meeting of foreign ministers from the Quad group, which includes Australia and India. The Quad is seen as a mechanism to enhance regional security and promote stability in the Indo-Pacific.


The ministers also condemned North Korea’s missile testing and nuclear weapons programs, as well as the deepening Russia-North Korea cooperation, including Russia’s procurement of ballistic missiles and other materials from North Korea for use in Ukraine.


The trilateral security cooperation aims to institutionalize regular consultations, information sharing, and joint military exercises, reflecting a significant shift in regional relations. This initiative seeks to ensure that the strategic partnership among the U.S., Japan, and South Korea remains robust regardless of the outcome of the upcoming U.S. presidential election.



2024年7月28日,日本、美国和韩国防卫首长在东京国防部举行会议 (Image Credit: JIJI/The Japan Times)

Japanese Defense Minister Minoru Kihara expressed confidence in the future of the Japan-U.S. alliance, stating, “I am convinced that the Japan-US alliance will become even more significant in the future as the international community enters a new era of crisis. Unilateral changes in the status quo and attempts to do so by force bring serious challenges to the free and open international order based on the rule of law.”


Overall, the agreement marks a historic step in reinforcing the trilateral security alliance. The cooperation among the U.S., Japan, and South Korea is now at some of the strongest levels, reflecting a collective commitment to counter shared security challenges.

