










He Qinsong: His Painting Spirit Resides in Grand Landscapes, and His Heart Embraces the Lofty Mountains and Rivers.

  In the year of Renchen, in the watery town of Chenghai, a boy named Xu Qinsong was born. From a young age, he aspired to master the art of painting, and his talents and character began to shine early on. By the time he reached adulthood, his fame had spread far and wide, earning him great renown in the art world.

  The misty clouds of Lingnan and the vast wilderness of the Northwest are frequent themes in his works. The layers of mist and mountains seem hidden in the clouds; the boundless plains appear to reach the horizon. His paintings lack human presence, devoid of worldly clamor, leaving only the majestic presence of heaven and earth. They embody his deep feelings for nature, traversing through his brush and ink, as his spirit wanders within. What he paints are not ordinary landscapes, but spiritual realms where the soul finds solace. Such realms cannot be seen with the naked eye but must be felt with the heart to understand their profound and mystical depths. The vastness of the world and the beauty of nature are visible to all, yet Xu captures not just their form but their spirit.

  Xu’s works demonstrate exquisite craftsmanship, inheriting the legacy of the Lingnan School while integrating the techniques of printmaking. The knife techniques of printmaking add to the grandeur of his paintings, creating distinct layers with a unique interplay of black and white. He has studied Western methods, incorporating perspective to expand the view, which he calls the “Broad-Vision Technique.” Beyond traditional brushwork, he developed the “Accumulated Brush Method,” layering strokes like carving stone, powerful and vigorous. His “Grand Brush Theory” emphasizes sweeping strokes, bold and expansive, yet also allows for meticulous details, capturing both the form and spirit of objects. His ink-washed rivers flow like rainbows, his delicate breezes brimming with emotion. In his paintings, one might glimpse fleeting clouds or observe cascading waterfalls, all imbued with a lively spirit. Evergreen pines and enduring landscapes reflect his unwavering heart. As time flows and the world changes, he hopes to follow his heart, capturing the grandeur of nature, where every blade of grass and tree leaf holds deep sentiment. Although his paintings lack words, they resonate with the essence of heaven and earth, embodying the interplay of yin and yang. Mountains rise and fall, years pass silently, yet his brush speaks volumes. Though devoid of human presence, one senses a trace of the divine, an inexhaustible spirit. Such emotions are difficult to convey to the world and can only be truly understood between heaven and man, heart to heart.

  “Grand Landscape” embodies the soul of Xu Qinsong’s art. Its grandeur lies not merely in its physical scope. It reaches back to primordial times, when the universe was yet undivided, traversing the vast wilds, connecting the four corners of the world. Majestic mountains and flowing rivers, rising clouds and flowing winds, all appear and vanish within his work, mysterious and unfathomable. The mists in his paintings shift and transform, the scenes reveal and conceal themselves, the forms are present yet filled with a spiritual resonance. The intent moves with the brush, the scene is crafted from the heart. Jagged peaks rise alone into the clouds; boundless plains stretch under snow-covered skies. The force of the mountains, the grace of distant ridges, the interplay of light and shadow—all are captured within. Reality and illusion merge, light and shadow shift, near and far open and close—all exquisitely crafted by nature’s hand.

  With his broad strokes sweeping across the paper, mountains and valleys rise majestically. Mountains are no longer mere mountains, trees no longer mere trees; where his heart goes, his brush follows. Emotions merge, form and spirit become one. His sweeping compositions are like rainbows in their grandeur, while his gentle transitions are delicately intricate. In his paintings, scenes emerge and vanish, real and imagined, all vividly captured, existing only in the heart. Mind and hand become one, perfectly attuned to nature’s essence. Viewing his work is like standing amidst the cloud-topped peaks, listening to the sounds of springs and rocks, letting thoughts rise and fall, forgetting the mundane world. Rivers flow for ages, mountains stand eternally. The artist seems to journey alongside nature, residing within. He is not bound by form, but expresses his deepest emotions; he is not burdened by matter, but uplifts his soul. This state cannot be expressed in words. It is as if it exists, and yet it doesn’t, true yet elusive. It is the so-called unity of heaven and man, where the artist and nature blend into one. Worldly burdens fall away, true essence emerges. His painting is his voice, his brush his heart’s imprint. Where Xu treads, no trace remains, yet all of creation is in his heart, and the grandeur of nature flows from his hand. Such a realm cannot be described, only understood by those who perceive it, felt through profound realization.

  He Qinsong’s paintings have received numerous accolades, his fame rising rapidly. Later, his exceptional talent led him to lead the path of Guangdong art, bearing heavy responsibilities and upholding the artistic legacy. Yet, amidst the multitude of duties and the relentless passage of time, it is inevitable that he may fall short in some aspects. The pursuit of awards may not weigh on his heart; the joy of leisure is rarely indulged. However, his perseverance has become second nature, and though time flies, his dedication has never wavered. He has a habit of working late into the night, often painting until the third watch. In the silent city, only the sound of his brush strokes can be heard. When inspiration strikes, he seizes it with his hand, turning it into art in an instant. His heart and hand are in perfect harmony, his brush guided by the spirit, creating tirelessly day and night, as if by nature. Even beyond his official duties, his thoughts are never at rest. Constantly traveling back and forth, finding time to spare is rare. It is said that he attends meetings in Beijing in the morning, only to return to Lingnan by nightfall; day and night, he is on the move, his steps unceasing.

  Though he seldom has time for his family, unable to attend to his wife when she is ill, nor watch his children grow, such regrets always weigh on his heart. Yet, the long road of art is sweet to him; no matter how stormy or dark, his passion remains unshaken. The thorny path becomes a path of flowers, among the masses, his dedication to art is the guiding light that illuminates his way forward. The mountains and valleys in his heart are all connected to the tip of his brush; his love for nature is always present in his paintings. This bittersweetness is known only to those who understand.

  Xu immerses himself in the world of landscapes, his heart in harmony with heaven and earth. His brushwork transcends time and space; his journeys through mountains and rivers span the ages. Holding a scroll against the wind, he seeks the mysteries of the universe; with a brush, he expresses his heart, conveying the profound emotions of all creation. Lightly depicting bitterness, subtly narrating joys and sorrows, all these emotions are hidden within his paintings. He befriends mountains and rivers, takes heaven and earth as his teacher; over time, his spirit merges with the scenes, and form follows intention. The essence of landscapes lies not in mere forms and colors, but in the flow of his heart, in harmony with nature. Often, he wanders in spirit, silently comprehending, sometimes feeling that life is but a fleeting journey, time flowing like a stream; sometimes marveling at the vastness of heaven and earth, at the endlessness of all things. These emotions are all infused into his art, conveying his thoughts, beyond words.

  Time passes silently, worldly matters are like smoke. Each work reflects the landscapes in his heart, recording his thoughts on the passage of time. Facing mountains and rivers, he concentrates deeply; observing the universe, he forgets himself. There are insights in his heart, and his spirit finds its rest. Despite his heavy responsibilities and many duties, he has never slackened in his art. Through exhibitions and seminars, he has widely promoted the Lingnan painting style. Even after retirement, he never abandons his brush, traveling to famous mountains and rivers, exploring the true beauty of nature. In the mist-covered peaks and verdant valleys, the painter forgets himself, and his true feelings are revealed.

  His aspirations are yet unfulfilled, his heart remains as it was. Writing and compiling, organizing artistic theories, his thoughts never cease. The myriad affairs of the world cannot disturb him. His heart is focused solely on the path of art, untainted by worldly attachments. Xu’s paintings follow his heart, forming naturally like clouds drifting and streams singing. Frost and rain, wind and snow, grass and trees, all are imbued with spirit under his brush. His true feelings cannot be expressed in words, only conveyed through his art. His ambition is like a boat, sailing the sea of art, tirelessly back and forth. Year after year, his vision grows broader, his realm deeper. Thus, his art advances with increasing refinement, his character becomes ever more distinguished, establishing his unique style, leaving his mark on heaven and earth.







何家英:承古之精韵 启后世独妙


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王镛:潜沉索墨踪 超然任评述

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申万胜:豁达疏简豪放意 拙雅自如不拘时

朱关田:探幽发微穷艺理 笔意纵横蔚大观

何应辉:探古今意蕴无际 会神思尽收笔底

旭宇:潜移默转笔流连  清远幽静韵自成

方照华:辗转岁月恋乡情 美善萦怀写姿影

孔维克:承世家青云志 展丹青宏图业