根据印度卫生部周五更新的数据,印度单日新增 18,815 例新的冠状病毒感染,使新冠病例总数达到 4,35,85,554 例,而活跃病例增加到 1,22,335 例.
上午 9 点更新的数据显示,死亡人数已攀升至 5,25,343 人,新增 38 人死亡。
印度卫生部表示,活跃病例占总感染的 0.28%,而全国康复率记录为 98.51%。
在 24 小时内,活跃的新冠病例增加了 2,878 例。
根据印度卫生部的数据,每日阳性率为 4.96%,而每周阳性率为 4.09%。
据印度卫生部称,迄今为止,在全国范围内的疫苗接种运动下,该国已接种了 19.851 亿剂新冠疫苗。
周四,在巴厘岛举行的 G20 外长会议期间,中印外长会晤。(ANI照片)
两位领导人在巴厘岛举行的 G20 外长会议期间会晤。这是自王毅3月访印以来的首次会晤,也是2020年加勒万冲突后双方的首次高级别双边访问。重要的是,王毅感谢印度在今年中国担任金砖国家主席国期间给予的支持,并保证中方将支持印度即将召开的G20峰会和上合组织主席国。
NEW DELHI: Foreign minister S Jaishankar reiterated India’s call for an early resolution of all outstanding issues along the Line of Actual Control in eastern Ladakh in a meeting on Thursday with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi.The two leaders met on the sidelines of the G20 foreign ministers’ meeting in Bali. This was their first meeting since Wang’s visit to India in March, the first high-level bilateral visit by either side after the Galwan clashes in 2020.Significantly, Wang appreciated India’s support during China’s Brics chairship this year and assured China’s support for India’s upcoming G20 and SCO presidency.“Bilateral relations have generally shown a momentum of recovery. China and India share common interests and similar reasonable demands,” said China in a statement. In its readout of what Jaishankar’s said, China highlighted that India will continue to adhere to strategic independence and an independent position in international affairs.Reacting to a question on the meeting and the fact that Jaishankar raised the LAC issue, the Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson said the China-India border was generally stable.TOI02
DELHI: Stating that the colonial education system inherited by India was to create a “servant class” for the British rulers and a lot of it remains unchanged, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that the National Education Policy 2020 opens the doors for youth to find solutions to the problems of the world through a modern education system with Indian ethos.TOI03
LocalCircles 对 21,000 多名飞行者进行的一项调查显示,出于安全考虑,目前有 44% 的人正在避开印度第三大航空公司,而 21% 的人避开印度航空有限公司和靛蓝航空公司,18% 的人避开了 Go First。约 37% 的受访者表示他们不会避开任何特定航空公司。
NEW DELHI: Passengers are starting to avoid SpiceJet Ltd. after a series of mid-air safety failures, according to a survey, dealing a blow to the cash-strapped airline that’s been summoned by authorities to explain the lapses.A survey of more than 21,000 fliers conducted by LocalCircles showed 44% are currently steering clear of India’s third-biggest airline due to safety concerns versus 21% who are avoiding Air India Ltd. and IndiGo and 18% for Go First. Some 37% of respondents said they don’t avoid any particular airline.TOI04
伦敦:英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)周四辞去保守党领袖职务,此前一周,包括五名内阁部长在内的 50 多名政府成员在过去三天内辞职,都要求他下台。他将继续担任临时总理,直到他的政党选出新领导人为止。
LONDON: UK prime minister Boris Johnson resigned as leader of the Conservative Party on Thursday following a torrid week in which more than 50 members of his government, including five cabinet ministers, quit in the past three days, all calling for him to step down. He will remain as interim prime minister until a new leader is chosen by his party.TOI05
SAN FRANCISO: Twitter said it removes 1 million spam accounts each day in a call with executives Thursday during a briefing that aimed to shed more light on the companys fake and bot accounts as it tussles with Elon Musk over “spam bots.”TOI06
新德里:在莫斯科考虑将库页岛一号项目国有化的会谈中,国营的印度石油天然气公司Videsh Ltd (OVL)正在部署更多的人力,以便在埃克森美孚退出后,与克里姆林宫支持的俄罗斯石油公司在该油田的运营中分担更大的角色。
NEW DELHI: Amid talks of Moscow considering nationalising Sakhalin-I project, state-run ONGC Videsh Ltd (OVL) is deploying additional manpower to share with Kremlin-backed Rosneft a bigger role in operating the oil field following ExxonMobil’s withdrawal.TOI07
新德里:联合国周四发布的一份报告强调,到 2021 年底,直接和间接归因于新冠病毒的全球“超额死亡”人数已达到 1500 万,该报告称,随着气候危机和世界各地冲突的增加,包括俄罗斯-乌克兰战争,将2030年的17个可持续发展目标(SDGs)置于危险境地。
报告评估了目标的进展情况,称四年多来在减轻贫困方面取得的进展已因疫情而化为乌有,到 2020 年,全球将有 9300 万人陷入极端贫困,而乌克兰战争正在创造一个现代最大的难民危机。
NEW DELHI: Highlighting that the global “excess deaths” directly and indirectly attributable to Covid-19 had reached 15 million by the end of 2021, a United Nations report released on Thursday said the pandemic,along with climate crisis and increased number of conflicts around the world, including the Russia-Ukraine war, have placed all the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) of 2030 in jeopardy.Assessing the progress on the goals, the report said more than four years of progress in alleviating poverty have been wiped out due to the pandemic, pushing 93 million more people worldwide into extreme poverty in 2020, while the war in Ukraine is creating one of the largest refugee crises of modern times.TOI08
“据一位自民党(自民党)高级官员称,前首相安倍晋三在奈良地区橿原市的一家医院去世,当时他正在那里接受治疗。他享年 67 岁,”NHK 说。
NEW DELHI: Japans former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has been confirmed dead after he was shot at a campaign event on Friday, local media reported on Friday.”According to a senior LDP (Liberal Democratic Party) official, former PM Abe died at a hospital in Kashihara city, Nara region, where he was receiving medical treatment. He was 67,” NHK said.Abe was delivering a stump speech near a train station in the western city of Nara when he was shot by an assailant.TOI09
孟买:印度政府周五表示,由于每年的季风降雨使许多生产商难以将库存从工厂转移到港口,印度将 80 万吨糖的出口期限延长了两周。
印度政府在一份通知中说,世界最大糖生产商的糖厂现在被允许在 7 月 20 日之前出口甜味剂,推迟了之前的 7 月 5 日,因为大雨阻碍了运输,一些糖厂错过了这一日期。
MUMBAI: India has extended by two weeks a deadline for the export of 800,000 tonnes of sugar as annual monsoon rains make it tough for many producers to move stocks from factories to ports, the government said on Friday.Mills in the worlds biggest sugar producer are now allowed to export the sweetener until July 20, the government said in a notification, pushing back a previous date of July 5, which some mills missed after heavy rains impeded transport.TOI10
MOSCOW: With Russias military action in Ukraine in its fifth month, Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday warned Kyiv that it should quickly accept Moscows terms or brace for the worst, adding ominously that Russia has barely started its action.TOISPONSOR
推荐阅读● 莫迪告诉拜登他在孟买有亲戚,他的“曾曾曾曾祖父”曾在东印度公司工作

● 印度卫生部今天发布了修订后的2月14日起抵达印度的国际旅客指南
● Shopee 在进入印度大约六个月后决定关闭其在印度的业务
● 超过 39.3 万外国人在印度逾期居留,基于个案驱逐出境并列入黑名单
●印度执法局已要求支付网关和银行冻结近 100 家金融科技公司的银行账户
●印度已批准 80 项涉及中国实体的外国直接投资 (FDI) 提案
●印度疫情7月7日与十大新闻(分析师预计卢比兑美元将跌至80卢比;印民航局向香料航空发出通知;信实零售与Gap Inc 展开合作)
●报告:印度执法局封锁了 119 个与 vivo 相关的账户,在突袭后没收了金条