人教版选必一-Unit 1 People of Achievement (单元复习课)

Good afternoon, boys and girls. Sit down, please. Nice to see you again. Welcome to my class. See, this is the English magazine of my school. Is it amazing?


You know the topic for the next month edition is person of the year. As you know, the end of the year is coming, right? You know person of the year? What does it mean?


Very good, but I’m anxious now. You know I have to collect twenty articles about this topic. That’s a big headache for me. Then, luckily, I’m here today,,I think you can help me a lot. You know why? No, you must be familiar with the topic – person of the year. Still remember the topic of unit one? People of achievement. Good. That’s why I think you will have a lot of ideas for me, right? OK, so in my class, just be confident,and try your best, I’ll choose the best article and your person of the year will be the cover person. You know cover person. Good, so whose person of the year will be the cover person? Okay, first, please go through the learning objectives very quickly.


Are you ready? Let’s go. Still remember them? They are Tu Youyou…Yes, so their looks are obviously familiar to you. Anything else? Can you describe them with one or two words?


How about Tu Youyou? Tu Youyou is a scientist. What kind of scientist? A scientist in physiology, she is very…? What do you think of her? She is very great… OK, anything else? Selfless, very good. Anymore? Responsible and from the book, it’s mentioned that Tu Youyou is a committed and patient scientist. How about Einstein? Einstein is again a scientist. What do you think of him? Genius, that’s to say he is very smart, right? Okay, he is very smart and kind. Any other word for smart? Clever, good. Anything else? Intelligent, good. You know intelligent, smart right? How about Luxun? We all know that he is a writer. What kind of writer in your mind? Well, everyone in China knows Luxun, right? So Luxun is very famous and he loves our country, good, so he loves our country that we can say Luxun is quite patriotic.What does it mean? He loves our country very much. Good, read after me. How about him? he is a politician. What kind of politician in your mind? OK, maybe later you will have more descriptive words for him, I think he is very pioneering, you know pioneer. He is a pioneer, so he is very pioneering. Do you think so? Well, with your descriptions, their images are quite clear to me. So as you can see, descriptive words can give us a deeper impression of these people, do you think so? OK, well, from this descriptive words, I can see that they are all great people to you, right? So they are very great people to you, so they are great because of what? I’m sorry. Their progress, their achievement, yes, so what achievement have they made? Still remember? Yes, so tu Youyou. She was awarded the Nobel Prize, thank you, and she also discovered artemisinin. Very good, now, how about Einstein?You don’t know how to describe him. Maybe this information can help you. Who’d like to make a match between these people and their achievements? Who would like to? Volunteers? You please. Now, just a match them. Well, big hands for him. Thank you. It’s a piece of cake for you, so as we can see, their achievements are very well-known to you, right? OK, now I’d like you to read these two sentences together, a smart and kind physicist, ready? Go.   

Well, stop here, please. Who’d like to put these two sentences into Chinese? It must be easy for you, I think. Volunteers? Who’d like to put them into Chinese? Yeah, you please… is that 一个聪明且善良的物理学家获得了诺贝尔文学奖。OK, do you think you can improve it? Make it better. Here. It means it can describe the physicist before it, right? How about this sentence? OK, have a try, thank you. 思琪。I saw you put up your hands. 孙中山寻找成立了现代中国,让中国人民有了更好的生活。Yes, very good. Do you remember the differences between them? Pay attention to these words in red, these sentences are called attributive clause, you know? You know attributing clause. 定语从句. So attributive clauses can be used to describe someone or add information to him or her. do you think so? OK, thank you. Well, how would you describe the person? The person of the year in your mind. You can try to use descriptive words and apply attributive clauses. Maybe, it can be someone from your book, or it may be anybody else if you like, clear?


Now, I like you to describe the person of the year in your mind to your partner. Two minutes for you. You can refer to your mind map, the mind map you’ve prepared before class. Volunteers? Time is up. Now, just one sentence, clear? Use the descriptive words and the attributive clauses… So many descriptive words, right? Well, we have learned many descriptions in the text. Now maybe this sentence can help you now, right? Please read this sentence together.


Would not acknowledge defeat, what does it mean? OK, so what do you think of her from this sentence? She is committed. Anymore? Hardworking. Anything else? Ambitious. OK, so I think she is ambitious. I think maybe her persistence has also led her greatness. Her persistence and determination also have led to her greatness, right? Do you know any other sentences like this? Still remember you have learned a lot of sentences showing Tu’s qualities in this text? OK, do you need any help? How about you? Need any help? Well, okay, now look at these four sentences, still remember them?


Now, who has got number one sentence? Read number one. Okay, so what do you think of her from this sentence? What qualities can you get from this? Now, pay attention to the figures, two thousand two hundred and eighty thousand. What does that show? It shows her team’s determination, determination good, thank you. Now, who has got sentence number two? So what kind of quality do you think she has? Who can help? What kind of quality does it show? Now, look at this, After failing more than 190 times, the team finally succeeded in 1971, so she is very persistent. Her persistent has led to her greatness, right,OK? Thank you. Who has got number three? Tu Youyou and her team members even insisted on testing the medicine on themselves to make sure that it was safe.Wow, amazing, is that sentence impressive to you? They insisted on testing on themselves, so what qualities you again? Responsible, so her responsibility has led to her greatness, right? Okay, next one, thank you. Upon hearing that she had been awarded the Nobel Prize, she said,”The honour is not just mine. There is a team behind me, and all the people of my country.”

OK, so what kind of quality? Selfless, selfless, so her selflessness made a big difference, thank you. Okay, you know, there are so many examples about Tu which shows her great qualities, right? They remind me of the person of the year in my mind. Now, let me take an example. She was seriously ill, but she didn’t go to hospital and insisted on working until all her students graduated, who is she? 张桂梅Yes, so what quality do you think she has from the example?Selfless, very good. Now, do you know any examples of the person of the year in your mind? To show their qualities, now I like you to write down an example of the person of the year in your mind to show their qualities, okay? Now, please write down an example here, you will have three minutes here, go.


Who’d like to show your example? Volunteers? OK, now tell us specific example. As we’ve just mentioned like these examples about Tu… OK, thank you. Now, anybody else? … As you can see, these great examples can help us know better about their qualities. OK, so as we’ve just mentioned, I collect all the information about their achievement. Do you think so? Achievement,you know? Like Tu Youyou, Einstein, they help made contributions to the world, right? And how about Zhong Nangshan. She has helped improve the people’s health, right? And Zhang Guimei, she serve as a role model, a role model for us,right? OK, so as we can see, their achievements are quite well-known to us, do you think so? But there qualities are quite unfamiliar to us, do you think so? And they wait for us to be explored, right? OK, so what does this look like? It’s like an iceberg, right? Thank you. Do you think success is like an iceberg? Why? Because you know what we can clearly and easily see are there achievements, but what we cannot see are their qualities.


So as for the person of the year, achievements are quite important, but in some ways qualities can lead to their achievements, do you think so? Well, now, do you want to have a try? Try to introduce the person of the year in your mind? Now, please share the person of the year with your partner. Four minutes later, I will ask you to the front to make a presentation.


So boys and girls, I hope all of you can follow these great qualities and maybe in the future you can become the person of the year and maybe one day you will become the cover person yourself. Thank you, now, here comes the homework for you, try to finish the writing after class and send you article to my magazine, OK? Thank for your cooperation. See you.

来源 |  Kethrine的教学笔记