今天凌晨3点半,OpenAI的首席技术官Mira Murati宣布离开OpenAI。

Mira曾在去年Sam Altman被罢免之后短暂担任临时CEO的职位,同时在他返回OpenAI发挥了重要作用。

如今Mira也离开了,加上正在休长假的Greg Brockman以及离职的首席科学家Ilya Sutskever,曾经的OpenAI“四大天王”,只剩Sam Altman一个人。






离开一个自己珍视的地方从来没有理想的时机,但现在这个时刻感觉是对的。我们最近发布的语音到语音转换和OpenAI O1标志着交互和智能的新时代的开始——这些成就是由你们的聪明才智和手艺实现的。我们不仅仅构建了更智能的模型,我们从根本上改变了AI系统学习和推理复杂问题的方式。我们将安全研究从理论领域带入实际应用,创建了比以往任何时候都更加健壮、一致和可控的模型。







Hi all, I have something to share with you.
After much reflection, I have made the difficult decision to leave OpenAl. My
six-and-a-half years with the OpenAl team have been an extraordinary privilege.
While I’l express my gratitude to many individuals in the coming days, I want
to start by thanking Sam and Greg for their trust in me to lead the technical
organization and for their support throughout the years.

There’s never an ideal time to step away
from a place one cherishes, yet this moment feels right. Our recent releases of
speech-to-speech and OpenAl o1 mark the beginning of a new era in interaction
and intelligence – achievements made possible by your ingenuity and
craftsmanship. We didn’t merely build smarter models, we fundamentally changed
how Al systems learn and reason through complex problems.

We brought safety research from the
theoretical realm into practical applications, creating models that are more
robust, aligned, and steerable than ever before. Our work has made cutting-edge
Al research intuitive and accessible, developing technology that adapts and
evolves based on everyone’s input. This success is a testament to our
outstanding teamwork, and it is because of your briliance, your dedication, and
your commitment that OpenAl stands at the pinnacle of Al innovation. I’m
stepping away because I want to create the time and space to do my own

For now, my primary focus is doing everything
in my power to ensure a smooth transition, maintaining the momentum we’ve
built. I will forever be grateful for the opportunity to build and work
alongside this remarkable team. Together, we’ve pushed the boundaries of
scientific understanding in our quest to improve human well-being. While I may
no longer be in the trenches with you, I will stil be rooting for you all. With
deep gratitude for the friendships forged, the triumphs achieved, and most
importantly, the challenges overcome together.

Mira1988年出生于阿尔巴尼亚,16岁移居加拿大,2012 年从塞耶工程学院获得机械工程学位。在校期间曾在高盛和法国航空航天集团ZODIAC实习。


2013年,Mira进入了马斯克的特斯拉工作了3年。期间担任SUV Model X 的高级产品经理,并领导开发了著名辅助驾驶软件Autopilot,这为其日后开发交互式AI产品奠定了基础。

2016年,Mira加入Leap Motion,担任产品和工程副总裁。这是一家为 PC 制造手部和手指追踪运动传感器的初创公司。



OpenAI的OpenAI联合创始人兼首席科学家Ilya Sutskever曾在今年5月15日官宣离职。


2023年11月,Ilya参与了罢免Sam Altman的活动,被外界认为是最大的幕后黑手。其主要原因是,Ilya认为Sam的行事作风太激进了,会引发AI失控,带来的伤害会大于利益,通过董事会的投票权罢免了Sam等人。


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