总结肘关节滑膜皱襞综合征,也被称为后外侧撞击或断裂皱襞,是一种以关节疼痛和机械问题为特征的疾病。这种综合征常被忽视或误诊。认识到这种情况可以帮助避免误诊患者的外侧肘关节疼痛或咔嗒感的肘关节。MR是一种有价值的诊断工具,可以排除其他原因导致的肘关节外侧疼痛和断裂。及时诊断和治疗对防止肘关节软骨机械性损伤至关重要。参考文献:Cerezal L, Rodiguez-Sammartino M, Canga A, Capiel C. Elbow, Arnaiz J, Cruz A, Rolon A. Elbow Synovial Fold Syndrome. American Journal of Roentgenology. 2013; 201:88-96. Isogai S, Murakami G, Wada T, Ishii S. Which morphologies of synovial folds result from degeneration and/or aging of the radiohumeral joint: an anatomic study with cadavers and embryos. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 2001; 10:169–181. Tsuji H, Wada T, Oda T, et al. Arthroscopic, macroscopic, and microscopic anatomy of the synovial fold of the elbow joint in correlation with the common extensor origin. Arthroscopy 2008; 24:34–38. Duparc F, Putz R, Michot C, et al. The synovial fold of the humeroradial joint: anatomical and histological features, and clinical relevance in lateral epicondylalgia of the elbow. Surg Radiol Anat 2002; 24:302–307. Bonczar, M., Ostrowski, P., Bednarz, W. et al. Synovial plica of the elbow — detailed measurements and how to implicate its relevance in clinical practice. International Orthopaedics (SICOT) 47, 1031–1039 (2023). https:///10.1007/s00264-023-05726-9 Koh S, Morris RP, Andersen CL, et al. Ultrasono-graphic examination of the synovial fold of the radiohumeral joint. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 2007; 16:609–615. Isogai S, Murakami G, Wada T, Ishii S. Which morphologies of synovial folds result from degeneration and/or aging of the radiohumeral joint: an anatomic study with cadavers and embryos. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 2001; 10:169–181 Awaya H, Schweitzer ME, Feng SA, et al. Elbow synovial fold syndrome: MR imaging findings. AJR 2001; 177:1377–1381. Steinert AF, Goebel S, Rucker A, Barthel T. Snapping elbow caused by hypertrophic synovial plica in the radiohumeral joint: a report of three cases and review of literature. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 2010; 130:347–351. Choi SH, Ji SK, Lee SA, Park MJ, Chang MJ. Magnetic resonance imaging of posterolateral plica of the elbow joint: Asymptomatic vs. symptomatic subjects. PLoS One. 2017 Jun 16;12(6):e0174320. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0174320. PMID: 28622337; PMCID: PMC5473528. Brunton LM, Anderson MW, Pannunzio ME, et al. Magnetic resonance imaging of the elbow: update on current techniques and indications. J Hand Surg Am 2006; 31:1001–1011. Walz DM, Newman JS, Konin GP et-al. Epicondylitis: pathogenesis, imaging, and treatment. Radiographics. 2010;30 (1): 167-84. Potter HG, Hannafin JA, Morwessel RM et-al. Lateral epicondylitis: correlation of MR imaging, surgical, and histopathologic findings. Radiology. 1995;196 (1): 43-6. Childress HM. Recurrent ulnar-nerve dislocation at the elbow. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1956:38-A:978-984. Spinner RJ, Hayden FR, Hipps CT, Goldner RD. Imaging the Snapping Triceps. AJR 1996;167:1550-1551. Milgram J, Gilden J, Gilula L. Multiple Loose Bodies: Formation, Revascularization, and Resorption. A 29-Year Followup Study. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 1996;(322):152-7. Narváez J, Narváez J, Ortega R, De Lama E, Roca Y, Vidal N. Hypointense Synovial Lesions on T2-Weighted Images: Differential Diagnosis with Pathologic Correlation. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2003;181(3):761-9. Kim DH, Gambardella RA, Elattrache NS, et al. Arthroscopic treatment of posterolateral elbow impingement from lateral synovial plicae in throwing athletes and golfers. Am J Sports Med 2006; 34:438–444. Antuna SA, O’Driscoll SW. Snapping plicae associated with radiocapitellar chondromalacia. Arthroscopy 2001; 17:491–495.
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